Black Holes

Note: For regular stars, the flow direction of material is opposite, but conservation of time across the barrier (Event Horizon) is maintained.

Almost everyone who reads this article will experience the stimulus for it, and then grasp an additional view on how black holes function. One night while driving through very quiet, rural fog, I came around a corner to see in the distance, a pole lamp – lamp on top of a pole. These are usually mercury or sodium vapor, and their features include powerful illumination from a small source, and monochromatic light – one frequency.

The illumination reaching my eye from around the lamp was the fog droplets diffusing the light. Rather than an even distribution surrounding the lamp, I saw the majority of the diffused light seemed to come from above the lamp, as though a column of light was traveling up from the source. That column appeared to go up for fifty feet above the lamp in the distance.

I concluded that since for all moments, the majority of droplets in the air around the light would be falling, that majority acted as a set of small lenses, each pointing skyward. As the light reached each droplet from below, it would tend to exit the droplet going straight up. Consider the quantity of droplets between me and the lamp, and the effect can be understood.

Thus, as chaos diffused the light from the pole lamp in an even, universal manner without pattern, the primary exception to that chaos was the universal shape of the falling water droplets. What is significant to black hole theories is that the individual droplets performed collimation of the emitted light.

Imagine the application of what we know about lasers to a black hole. There is most certainly enough energy present to manipulate individual particles as they approach the hole’s event horizon, making them conform to the fields in the region in the same style lasers vibrate. There is also enough energy around to make particles vibrate to conform to those fields. One conclusion can be a set of harmonically resonate particles surrounding the event horizon, that are capable of “lasing” in the environment. Thus, you would get a laser output of all the approaching material, with an emission directly related to the hole’s rotation. That is what we see, with an emission traveling sometimes up to a hundred light-years’ length. The level of excitation of this material is full measure larger than a simple laser on Earth can produce, yet the remarkable energy release mimics that of lasers.

The interesting thing about this has to do with the theoretical interaction of transmission beyond our universe. All material would be losing its potential energy as it approaches the event horizon, having it bled off into the black hole’s version of laser emission. When it reaches the event horizon, its kinetic molecular energy would be zero, causing it to transition through the horizon without energy other than the linear travel of mass. Since the linear velocity of matter beyond the event horizon becomes meaningless, then there is conservation of energy in this system.

There are also conditions allowing the system to possibly configure external space, parsing it into blocks. The definition of these blocks is subjective – the mass of the particle would be modified by few but the most severe of these changes in space, but the energy of the particle would be completely subject to them. As the materials approach the event horizon, these blocks could become smaller and would most certainly be more qualified. Thus, it may be that, for any material to reach the event horizon, it must first occupy progressively smaller blocks of space. These would finely divide the material – and especially divide its ability to hold energy in relation to time, prior to the particle’s introduction to the event horizon. As the molecular bond, then the atomic bonds are released, the particles simply dissolve.

So, what we’ve got is crushed matter, devoid of energy blasted away into a laser-type pillar of ‘something’ we have observed. When the material reaches the event horizon, it may provide zero resistance to transition while providing zero energy to the black hole.

Time is conserved by the expression of the laser-type energy. As the blocks of space each shrink, they compress the particle’s ability to hold energy. The system tries to release this energy at slightly beyond the speed of light. Since that doesn’t happen inside this universe (outside the event horizon), time is regulated in the reactions surrounding the hole as the material is held away from the event horizon with a solid wall of pure energy more powerful in this universe than can the black hole can ever be. When a particle is capable of expressing its stored energy at faster than light, then it has already lost all its energy and has traveled inside the event horizon. More exactly, the event horizon has been redefined to include the particle.

I believe these to be the fundamental concepts on which the maintenance of black holes is understood. Zero residual energy is transmitted through the event horizon while excess material is held away until after it has reached zero energy state. Since this facility is based on actual conditions, it may fluctuate in and out to express the balancing point of the system for all moments, in all vectors. I propose that those who look at black holes amend their personal view of the event horizon to include these concepts.

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